We do our best to provide the most accurate estimated shipping & delivery dates for items based on your current zip code location. Estimated shipping & delivery dates for your items can be found while viewing your cart prior to purchase.
- In-stock items, including Samples from the Custom by Rugs USA Collection, typically ship within 24 hours or less of placing your order. Once your order has shipped, you will receive an email with your tracking information.
- Backordered items are subject to shipment date adjustments; however, we do our best to provide the most accurate dates possible based on the information we have at the time of purchase.
- Purchases of products from the Custom by Rugs USA Collection, not including Custom Samples, will ship from our manufacturer within 2-3 weeks of placing your order. Once your order has shipped, you will be provided with the estimated delivery date.
- Please note, that depending on your Custom Rug order, you may be required to schedule delivery with our in-home delivery partner. Please ensure your phone number is accurate at the time of purchase to schedule delivery. We do not offer options for specific delivery methods for Custom by Rugs USA.